Friday, January 29, 2021

Psychic Advice

                                                 Psychic Advice from me !


                                              We all have past lives and have lived before 







                                          Karma is a lesson not a punishment 

                                           Never give into toxic behavior 


Crystals have many uses and are 
important to have with you at all times 

Meditate during the Full Moon to clear your mind 

Prayer is energy 


Sunday, January 10, 2021

                                            Psychic Predictions Part 1 

                                               for 2021 

                    1. A decline in celebrity for some high profile

                       stars in movies and music due to tax evasions

                       and massive fraud with charities ; more

                       movie stars will experience more scandal

                       that will make them less popular , leading

                       fans to turn away 


                 2.  There may possibly be more weather disasters 

                      like hurricanes and deadly tornadoes in 

                      Alabama , The Carolinas and Texas or even 

                     possibly New York . This may happen late 

                     Spring or Summer 

                3.   The British Royals will see some members 

                     possibly pass away like The Queen and 

                    Prince Phillip ; this may happen between 

                     now and November 2021 

                4.    More species of animals will possibly die off 

                       due to hunting , poaching and environmental 

                       disasters like more fires from extreme heat 

                       in possible countries like India , Spain or 

                       even Morocco 

              5.     Germany , France ,  and Japan will 

                     possibly see a rise in New Governments and 

                    social upheavals ; this is a continuation of  

                     current events that have been going on 

                     but Japan particular may see a huge turn 

                    around concerning the rights of women in 

                     government positions  


These predictions are my intellectual property 
and do not copy or appropriate them !